21. Dezember 2015

Gruppenkarikatur für eine Firmenabteilung

Herzlich willkommen auf "awecartoon", dem Blog von "awe"Adrian Weber !

Der Vorgesetzte einer Abteilung wurde befördert, und so sollte die ganze Abteilung mit einem Gruppenbild in Form einer Karikatur verdankt werden. Dazu erhielt ich die Porträts von 19 Mitarbeitenden, dazu einige Stichworte. Das Bild entstand auf einer Grösse von 70 x 100cm.
Ich skizzierte jeden einzelnen Kopf vor, schnitt ihn aus, arbeitete jeden im Detail aus, dann komponierte ich eine Umgebung, die sportlich sein und zugleich Sommer und Winter im Sport-Eventbereich darstellen sollte.
Ich verwendete Non Photo Blue Sketcher, Supracolor, Aquarelle extra-fine, Gouache extra-fine, diverse schwarze Marker für die Outlines.

Ich war schlussendlich ziemlich lange dran, ich glaube, es waren um die 16 Std.
Hier das Gesamtbild plus 19 "Einzelporträts":

Visual Recording "live"

Herzlich willkommen auf "awecartoon", dem Blog von "awe"Adrian Weber !

Ich wurde angefragt, an einer Sport-Tagung mitte November als Beobachter zu assistieren und am Ende des Tages eine Art humoristisch gezeichnete Zusammenfassung der "Lessons learnt" zu präsentieren. Für die Präsentation hatte ich nur 15'. Deshalb scribbelte ich mir den ganzen Tag Notizen auf Papier und verzog mich 1h Stunde vor meinem Beitrag in einen Nebenraum, wo ich 14 Plakate vollzeichnete und mit schwarzem Marker nachzog. Während dem Kurzbeitrag hatte ich nur kurz Zeit, einige Farben mittels Trockenpastell aufzutragen. Ziemlich intensiv das Ganze, aber spannend. Nach dem Anlass überarbeitete ich die Scribbles noch einmal mit Trockenpastell, um Farbakzente zu setzen.
Hier mein Output dieses Anlasses:

16. Dezember 2015

Karikatur zur Verabschiedung eines Produktionsleiters

Herzlich willkommen auf "awecartoon", dem Blog von "awe"Adrian Weber !

Der Produktionsleiter eines Gewürzherstellers soll verabschiedet werden, weil er für höhere Aufgaben vorgesehen ist. Seine Eigenheiten und Ticks sollen auf dem Bild vereint sein.

Mit Sketcher Non Photo Blue vorgezeichnet, mit schwarzem Pablo (Caran d'Ache) schwarze Outlines vorgespurt, dann mittels Aquarell extra-fine (Sennelier) handkoloriert, mittels Supracolor und Neocolor II Details nachschraffiert, zudem weisse Lichtpunkte gesetzt.

Zeitaufwand: 5h

Karikatur für Heimkehrer

Ein Rückkehrer aus Australien kommt nach einem mehrmonatigen Aufenthalt nach Hause. Eine Karikatur mit Episoden dieses Aufenthalts soll ihn im Namen seiner Familie willkommen heissen:

Mit Non-Photo Blue-Stift vorgezeichnet, mit Supracolor Soft (Caran d'Ache) und Aquarellfarbe von Sennelier koloriert, laviert und aquarelliert, schwarze Outlines mit Pitt von Faber.

Zeitaufwand: 4h

8. Oktober 2015

Dinosaurs with Neocolor II

Welcome to "awecartoon", the blog of "awe"Adrian Weber !

I was asked to make suggestions of drawings made with Neocolor II representing dinosaurs. The aim was to create a new advertisement page for an Asian inflight magazine and the idea was to profit of the "Jurassic World" euphoria that started in the cinemas in early summer 2015.
I spent almost a day drawing dinosaurs, landscapes and the volcano with Neocolor II and waterbrush. In fact, I cheated a bit by using Neocolor I as well, especially for the dino's skin with the scratching Sgrafitto technique. Also for the thin black outlines, I used a common black plastic ballpoint pen 825 Caran d'Ache…

It was a tough "pregnancy", as this subject is not really my favourite, so I helped myself by scanning the characters and landscape parts and by composing them anew with the help of Photoshop. It was a nice exercise, but I'm not really sure that this picture will be chosen for the advert. No problem, if so.

Time spent: 7h

3. September 2015

Label for honey pot

Welcome to "awecartoon", the blog of Adrian Weber.

I was asked to draw an illustration for the paper label of small honey pots. Our company has recently "hired" like 20'000 worker bees, and their main task is to produce as much honey as possible, mainly for our own staff's use.
As I only had very short time, I realized the first idea I had with the Blue SKETCHER first: Hexagonal bee wax structures that transform into hexagonal pencil body shapes, starting at honey yellow with a transition to red 070, which is the most common and typical for this brand.
Above, a funny bee takes off taking a pencil with him/her - two small hearts illustrating the "love" between the bee and the pencil.
After scribbling, I outlined with black fineliner, scanned (blue SKETCHER disappears), cleaned he B&W drawing and finally hand painted it electronically with photoshop tools.

Time spent: 80'

16. Juni 2015

My left hand sketched by my right hand...

Welcome at "awecartoon", the blog of "awe"Adrian Weber !

Just like sport athletes, a creator regularly needs to train his skills in order to keep in shape for artistic tasks whatever they might be. For this, when travelling by train for hours, I sometimes take my left hand as a model and roughly sketch it with my pencils and pens I carry with me in my "artistic survival" bag. Together with pigmented black fineliners of all kinds, these are mainly Museum, Supracolor and Prismalo pencils.

Time spent per hand: 20min.

An other day, still during travelling by train, I made a doodling of my left hand holding the crescent moon, executed in my sketchbook with black brush pen and coloured with kids Maxi Fancolor pencils:

Time spent: 25min.

15. Juni 2015


Welcome at "awecartoon", the blog of "awe"Adrian Weber !

An iceberg as a symbol of frozen parts of our life beyond the surface of consciousness, with only the top visible for ships and passengers travelling nearby.
I painted this square 60x60cm picture by first applying different layers of black Acrylic with a spatule on a wooden board. After drying, I added a metallic turquoise blue Acrylic colour on top, with te spatule again.
With mainly oil pastels Neopastel I worked out the iceberg, slightly put on the left. In order to give some warm contrasts to this rather ice-cold atmosphere I added some "sunset lights" on the bottom of the iceberg. With horizontally layered, light Neopastel I then added some texture effects on top of the Acrylic background ("frottage technique"). No idea if such one exists in real, but I'm sure it sometimes exists somewhere in some of us.
I tried to let it look strong, dangerous but enigmatic at the same time. Whilst our "inner" icebergs should constantly melt, these "real" icebergs out there hopefully still continue to exist in the far future!

Time spent: 3 hours

4. Juni 2015

Fantasy birdies

Welcome at "awecartoon", the blog of "awe"Adrian Weber !

Here's some funny joking around with ink and watercolour that wasn't meant to be figurative. Just by outlining with a black fineliner some shapes appearing by pure accident, I identified some fantasy birdies that whished to be born in order to spread the message of bird songs and colour…
With coverning white (Tipp-Ex) I highlighted some parts at the end.

Time spent on each bird: less than 5min.

From mountains and rocks

Welcome at "awecartoon", the blog of "awe"Adrian Weber !

Mountains rock! Just like trees and roots, rocks and stony structures are among my favorite subjects when drawing and painting since ever. When outside on holidays or wherever, I try to catch the shapes, the energy and the volume of these immobile witnesses of slowly flowing time…

Here are some samples in different techniques (oil, gouache, oil pastel, Luminance, fibre tipped-pen…), with the mountains "Niesen" and "Jungfrau" that are among my favorite mountains since ever despite the fact that the Klees, Hodlers and others had already made those…

Time spent for each study: between 20'-2h