15. Juni 2015


Welcome at "awecartoon", the blog of "awe"Adrian Weber !

An iceberg as a symbol of frozen parts of our life beyond the surface of consciousness, with only the top visible for ships and passengers travelling nearby.
I painted this square 60x60cm picture by first applying different layers of black Acrylic with a spatule on a wooden board. After drying, I added a metallic turquoise blue Acrylic colour on top, with te spatule again.
With mainly oil pastels Neopastel I worked out the iceberg, slightly put on the left. In order to give some warm contrasts to this rather ice-cold atmosphere I added some "sunset lights" on the bottom of the iceberg. With horizontally layered, light Neopastel I then added some texture effects on top of the Acrylic background ("frottage technique"). No idea if such one exists in real, but I'm sure it sometimes exists somewhere in some of us.
I tried to let it look strong, dangerous but enigmatic at the same time. Whilst our "inner" icebergs should constantly melt, these "real" icebergs out there hopefully still continue to exist in the far future!

Time spent: 3 hours

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