4. Juni 2015

Haunting spirits

Welcome at "awecartoon", the blog of "awe"Adrian Weber !

It was a strange and quite unique experience when some years ago, I spent 4 days and nights in an alpine cottage, alone, without social contact, only surrounded by daylight, night, mountains and forest. I used to draw and paint without interruption and once in the middle of the night I started working out strange faces coming out of a dark underpaint. The trick was to cover a canvas-like paper with a light acrylic colour in order to give a basic structure and texture. After drying, I covered it with a dark (umbra, black or ultramarine) oil colour. As oil colour doesn't dry quickly unlike acrylic, it allows you then to take away colour with a towel, which I did: Finger wrapped in a tissu or towel and then scratching away some oil colour…heads started to appear, I called them "Haunting spirits" or even "demons"…the point was that when doing this "exercise", these strange faces coming from somewhere started to scare me somehow and in order to be able to sleep, I had to lock them in.

Time spent for each "haunting spirit": 30'

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